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A night at the Toronto office


What's been happening after dark on the lower east side

After the last AutoCAD drawing has been saved, the bag of trail mix has been sealed and the blinds have been drawn, some pretty powerful things have been happening in our Toronto office. Once a month since last September our Toronto office has been littered with over-sized post it notes, filled with 6 energetic young leaders, and transformed into the headquarters for Engineer's Without Borders (EWB) Water for the World (W4TW) program.

What's W4TW?

During National Engineering Month in March, the EWB Toronto Professional Chapter partners with the Toronto Public Library to deliver W4TW Workshops to students in grades 7-8 across the GTA. The interactive workshops provide an engaging presentation and hands on filter building activity that educates, challenges, and inspires students to think about creative solutions to global water access issues. In 2019 60 workshops were held to reach 1500 students and inspire them to become systems change thinkers and leaders. Find more information on W4TW here


What's our connection to W4TW?

W4TW's volunteer leadership team includes a recent graduate from Queen's University, a PhD Student from the University of Toronto, a City of Toronto employee, and a University of Waterloo student.

How else we're supporting

In addition to providing our office space as W4TW Headquarters Jordan has also donated funds to the program's operations budget for the year. 

Why EWB?

Some of you may be aware of our past company involvement with Engineers Without Borders (EWB). For those of you who aren't, Jordan has been a long time supporter of EWB for many years, dedicating our time talent and treasure to them in various ways - including space and snacks for strategy sessions and mentorship by our CEO Sandra in her former role as their Entrepreneur in Residence. EWB's commitment to ignite positive change and empower people to tackle global poverty aligns well with our values and culture. You can find out more about what EWB does here.

Want to get involved?

You can volunteer to lead a W4TW workshop, check out their Facebook page here

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System Change

"Ignite positive change"

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